It’s that time…when we have to take down all of Christmas decorations as we head back to reality. Using items in your home, here are some smart and money saving ways to store your wrapping paper, ornaments, ribbon, beaded garland and lights!
Wrapping paper
There is no need to buy a ‘special’ wrapping paper holder. Find a plastic garment bag and place all of your wrapping paper inside and together. Add a hanger to store in your closet
Don’t just place your lights in a heap into a plastic storage bin. Cut a piece of cardboard box and wrap your lights around it to keep them tangle free.
Beaded Garland
Use an empty water bottle and place any beaded garlands you have right into the bottle for easy storage
Find a pant hanger and add any holiday ribbon you have right onto the hanger for storage
A quick and easy way to store your ornaments is to use a plastic bin, cardboard, Solo cups and some glue. Cut carboard to fit your plastic bin, glue the solo cups onto the cardboard, place your ornaments into the cups and store. You can create a second level depending on your large your storage bin is
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